What We Do

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Our number one goal is patient comfort. Being a full service dental office we offer a range of dental services, each catered to meet your exact needs. Whether it is a simple cleaning to an extensive makeover our team is ready to help you get to where you want to be. Treatments include:


Dr. Alessandra Raschkovsky is a certified and Preferred Invisalign provider and has treated numerous patients with outstanding results. If you have not heard of Invisalign, it is a teeth-straightening treatment that uses transparent aligners. These discreet aligners are an alternative to traditional braces, providing patients with a more aesthetically pleasing treatment. During the treatment period, patients wear a series of custom-made aligners. Each set of aligners will gently guide the teeth into their new position. Unlike metal braces, Invisalign does irritate the the lips and inside of the cheeks. Excellent for both teens and adults, Invisalign is a popular choice for those looking for an efficient and comfortable way to correct crooked teeth.

Dr. Raschkovsky developed a treatment protocol that includes the option to wear a device for only 20 minutes a day, as well as a method to speed up tooth movement by 100% to achieve faster results. Let Dr. Raschkovsky help you achieve the smile you have always wanted. Take a look at out our patients’ before and after photos to see the difference Invisalign can make!

Dr. Raschkovsky is one of Los Angeles top rated Invisalign providers on Yelp. Please view the videos on our YouTube page for more info.


This is not one of your typical cleanings. The technology we use includes the most advanced water-powered ultrasonic instruments to ensure a comfortable and thorough cleaning. This also allows you to be in and out much sooner than you thought with healthy teeth, gums and no sensitivity. We only use Arrowhead distilled bottled water for all our cleanings.

Bonding / Invisible Fillings

These are the “white fillings” that your friends and family have talked about. Invisible fillings are one of our most common procedures and have revolutionized the practice of modern dentistry. With the use of “white” or invisible/tooth-colored materials, we can instantly transform many of your old silver/amalgam fillings and restore them with a bonded filling. In many cases this will also strengthens the tooth. Chipped, cracked or worn teeth can also be repaired using this technique and the treatment is performed in one visit with instant results.


Veneers are thin, semi-translucent laminates permanently bonded to your teeth and can be used to treat a number of conditions including:

  1. Diastemas (spaces between teeth)
  2. Broken or chipped teeth
  3. Unsightly, stained, or washed-out fillings
  4. Permanently stained or discolored teeth that can’t be bleached
  5. Crooked teeth

Modern advances allow us to place veneers without needles or painful drilling. Please ask us about our Lumineers option.


Dr. Alessandra Raschkovsky is a certified and Preferred Invisalign provider and has treated numerous patients with outstanding results. Dr. Raschkovsky has recently focused on the Invisalign treatment as a great alternative to drilling crooked teeth for veneers or crowns. Please view the videos on our YouTube page for more info.

Dental Implants Crowns

Implants enable dentists to create healthy, attractive smiles in an innovative way. Used to replace one or more missing teeth, these crowns are another alternative to conventional bridges and dentures.

Zoom Whitening

Zoom Whitening is a very effective and fast way to whiten your smile. In about an hour you can walk out of our office with a completely new look.

Root Canals

At Zen Dental, we have specialized training in root canal therapy and take every measure to ensure our patients’ maximum comfort throughout the procedure.

Alternative Treatments

We also provide complete general dental care including gum treatments (we have an entire soft tissue management program), endodontics, orthodontic retainers, and all types of cosmetic solutions for crowns, bridges and silver fillings. To see photos, please visit our Before and After galleries.